Thursday, May 14, 2020

How to Qualify for a Legal Claim against Roundup Weed Killer

Roundup weed killer is a popular farm and garden product. With an active ingredient of glyphosate, Roundup can kill weeds faster than many other products on the market. However, in 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer found that glyphosate can be dangerous to humans. Studies found that workers with an increased exposure to Roundup were experiencing increased rates of cancer. If you’ve been exposed to Roundup and later developed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, your exposure to the weed killer and your cancer may be related. Discussing your disease with a Roundup lawyer from Craig Swapp & Associates can help you determine whether you qualify for a legal claim. 

Injuries Caused by Exposure to Roundup

Studies have shown that increased exposure to Roundup might lead to various forms of cancer. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma is the most common type of cancer associated with Roundup, but Roundup may also cause T-cell and B-cell lymphoma, leukemia, multiple myeloma, and brain cancer.  If you’ve developed cancer and you know you were exposed to large amounts of Roundup in your job or personal life, you should speak with a lawyer and assess your legal options.

How to Join a Class Action Lawsuit for Roundup

Once you have evidence to prove your case against Roundup, you can file an individual lawsuit or join a class action lawsuit. A class action lawsuit will involve joining others who have suffered similar injuries to you, such as other victims of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma who were exposed to Roundup in your place of work, as an example. Although many people have suffered from cancer because of exposure to Roundup, you may receive a higher settlement by filing alone. As a victim, your story may be unique, and you deserve the maximum settlement for your suffering. Speaking to an attorney can help you determine how best to move forward with your case.

Contact a Roundup Attorney

At Craig Swapp & Associates, we’re prepared to fight for you in court to get the most money possible for your case. To schedule a free consultation with a Roundup lawyer from our team, call 1-800-404-9000 or visit our website for more information.

Does My Accident Qualify for a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

When you’re injured in an accident, you may wonder whether you have grounds for a legal claim. Accidents happen every day, but not all accidents qualify for personal injury lawsuits. Knowing whether your accident qualifies for court is essential if you hope to receive the settlement money you deserve. At Craig Swapp & Associates, we’ve handled many personal injury cases. We know the key factors that make up a successful lawsuit, and we can help you determine how best to move forward with your situation. If we believe you have a strong case, a personal injury lawyer from our team can represent you in court to help you seek maximum compensation.

Did Someone Else Cause Your Accident?

The first step in identifying whether your accident qualifies for a personal injury lawsuit is assessing whether someone else caused your accident. If no one else caused your accident, then you won’t have anyone to sue. But there are many people who can be liable for your accident. In a car accident, another driver, a manufacturer, or a company may be liable for your damages. If you were injured on someone else’s property, it’s possible to sue the property owner. If a defective product injured you, then the product manufacturer may be at fault. Investigating your case can lead you to the liable party.

Assessing the Damages You Suffered

You must also suffer damages in your accident in order to qualify for a personal injury lawsuit. These damages can be economic or non-economic. A lawyer can help you identify and quantify these damages for court. Economic damages may include medical expenses if you were injured in your accident. Economic damages may also include things like property damage or lost wages from missing work. Non-economic damages may include loss of consortium, loss of enjoyment of life, scarring and disfigurement, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and more.

Reach Out to a Personal Injury Attorney

As long as you have a negligent party in your case and damages you can claim, then you likely have grounds for a lawsuit. Scheduling a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer from Craig Swapp & Associates can give you a better idea about how to move forward with your case. If you’re ready to speak with us in greater detail, call 1-800-404-9000, or go to our website to learn more.